Gift of Appreciated Securities - Publicly Traded Stocks, Bonds, and Mutual Fund Shares

You can make a gift of appreciated securities—publicly traded stocks, bonds and mutual fund shares—to All Kids Win while avoiding capital gains tax. You will also receive the benefit of an immediate income tax deduction for the fair market value (average high and low prices on the day of the transfer).

Please note that the securities you use to make your gift must have been held by you for more than one year to be fully deductible, and always be sure to first consult with your financial advisor.


Instructions to share with your Financial Institution/Investment Advisor or Broker:

Account Name:        All Kids Win (Tax ID #26-0380763)

Account Number:    XXXX-XXXX

DTC Number:           0164, Code 40

Custodian:                 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.

PO Box 982600

El Paso, TX  79998-2600


*All DTC deliveries must include above account name and account number


Contact information for questions and incoming gift notifications:

Kelli Schuler, All KIds Win Operations

(253) 228-2496


Carly Sipe, Kiley Juergens Wealth Management, LLC

Investment Advisor for All Kids Win

(360) 350-4747