Follow Your Dream Scholarship Applications are now OPEN!
Applicants must be a senior that will graduate this June 2025, at one of the high schools All Kids Win serves and received All Kids Win food bags during their senior year. Qualifying High Schools are:
Avanti HS, Black Hills HS, Capital HS, Cascadia HS, Envision, New Market HS, North Thurston HS, Olympia HS, ORLA, Rainier HS, River Ridge HS, Rochester HS, Summit Virtual Academy, Tenino HS, Timberline HS, Tumwater HS, Yelm Extension, and Yelm HS.
Or received All Kids Win food bags while attending Olympia, Lacey, or Yelm Gravity and received your GED by June 2025.
Applications will be open February 3 - April 11, 2025. All applications and supporting documents (site coordinators letter and essay) must be emailed or postmarked by April 11, 2025 to be considered.
If selected, Scholarship Winner will need to attend Award Presentation on May 22, 2025 at 1pm in Olympia.
If you have questions, please email Deanna East at